jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

I'm goint to present my friend, his name is Paco and i'm looking for a good girld for him.
He is tall, has short fair hair and he is veri thin, has got brown eyes..
He trains triathlon in ferrol 5 or 6 times a week.
He doesn't got girlfriend, but he wants to have.
He is a very good and nice person.
He like watch tv, go run and eat icecreammmm......

1 comentario:

  1. María want to know:
    - Does he like pets?
    -Does he like travelling?
    -How many countries did he visit?



Her name is Gregoria. She´s 16 years old. Gregoria is a very pretty girl, she has blue eyes, her hair is blond and she´s thin. She´s very o...